"nobody will ever love you as much as an artist can. on your worst days, they will find poetry in the knots of your hair."


Each session starts the same. BLANK. It's my art. But it's your story. I am simply just here for the love. You are free to be playful & free to be loving & cozy with each other, because I'd want nothing more, but also because... I can't bring it for you.

Starting at $500

Hi. I'm Amanda, the heart behind Among her Wildflowers Photography. Located in the beautiful Outer Banks of North Carolina.

For the time that we will spend together, you have one goal. Make memories. Families, parents! your goal is embrace your children. To have fun with them, to kiss your favorite freckle(s) or that boo-boo they just got from being completely silly. To make them giggle, to play with their hair, flip them upside down like monkeys and tickle the living heck out of them if you know that's

something they like. To whisper something you love about them, rub noses, cheeks and hands!! That one doesn't just go for the kids either, Mom and Dad should take a number too. And I don't want you to worry about if I need your kids to smile, let me take care of them for you. If I need something I will let you know but with me, just be present in the moments. I will leave you with this question to ask yourself before walking out come session day, what does your perfect Sunday morning look like with your family?

XO ,


"you are all four seasons rolled into one. you're like the cold December snow in the warm July sun."

My Portfolio

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